Brand : Amada

Inverter Spot welding machine AMADA ID-40-ST
Rated capacity:40kva Inverter type resistance welding controller (DIT-6020-1-A) Circulating water cooling system(CU4002) Elevating…

BAND SAW AMADA H-1080 (1300W)
Capacity:φ1000 □1300×1000h Hydraulic vise Moving vise stroke 400mm Table load:15 ton Saw blade:80×1.6×10,100 13~75 m/min Variable …

Press Brake AMADA F-BEST2003
200t×3000 S:200 Gap depth: 300 Open height: 620mm 22Kw Crowning mechanism Auto tool changer ATC NC device: NC-9 (AMDN-05)

Press Brake AMADA FBD8020LD
80t S:150 T:2000 Power supply:200/220v 3 phase 50/60Hz 7.5KW Back gauge AMADA-03BE.P

Press Brake AMADA RG-50
50t S:100 T:2000㎜ Power supply : 200/220v 3 phase 50/60Hz 3.7KW Back Gauge NC9-EX

Band saw AMADA H-1300(Special Order)
Capacity: φ1300 □1600w×1300h Width: Custom-order specification Hydraulic wide vise Table stroke-1800mm Table load: 26ton Ultra wide s…

Vertical Band Saw AMADA VM3800
Capacity : 3800×800×600 T : 1788×4170 Auto-Feed S-3850 10-90m/min Blade : 67×1.6×6400mm 7.5Kw

Contour Machine AMADA V-400
Capacity:250×400 Tilt:back and forth 5° Max load: 150Kg Saw blade: 4~13×0.9t×3375~3535

Contour machine AMADA V-300
Capacity:150×300 Tilt Angle::Left, Right and Front 15°Back 5° Saw blade: 2~13×0.65t×2400~2600

Press Brake AMADA FBD1025R
100t×2500 S:100 Gap depth: 400mm Open height: 370mm 7.5Kw Buck gauge NC9-R Light beam safety Tooling

Contour machine AMADA VAC-500
Capacity:500×150 Max size:260□ φ360 TILTING TABLE:(Right)3°(left)6° Brade:4~13×0.9×3950~4120 1.5Kw

Shirring AMADA DCT-3013
Capacity:13t×3100mm angle 1°30″ 50SPM Electric variableness-style clearance 14 board stopper Inversion-style back gauge 10-1000mm plate …

Shirring AMADA DCT-2065
Capacity:6.5t×2020mm angle 1°10″ 60SPM Electric variableness-style clearance 10 board stopper back gauge 5~1000㎜ plate loading/manipu…